If you have an emergency or life-threatening situation, call 911 -- do not use this online request. If your concern involves the Hanover Sheriff or you need to report a crime that has already occurred, please call 804.365.6140.
Provide as much detail as possible in reference to the issue you are submitting. In an effort to fully address a situation, it is recommended that a user profile is created. Hanover County makes every effort to address our Resident's issues, but please understand, some issues are the responsibility of other agencies and are therefore beyond the County's control. For additional questions please contact us at Community Development.
If the address is unknown then please contact Community Development.
Please note that concerns reported will only be reviewed and responded to during regular business hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
*Enter all or part of the address and press search
*Enter all or part of your address and press search